A domain over the counter anyone?
Swiss web host and domain giant Switchplus has made a rather unorthodox move and opened a retail store on a prime location in Zurich. We were happy to be invited to the opening night and here are some of our impressions.
Switchplus has been running Atomia to automate their online business since they migrated from their previous platform during the summer of last year. They are certainly successful, having acquired a leading role on the Swiss market during the eight years of their existence. At Atomia we are honored to have been selected to help propel their growth in the coming years.
As our customers typically use the online stores and self-service control panels we provide as their means of sales we were quite surprised when Wolfram Schmidt, the CEO of Switchplus, announced his plans for a physical store to us. “The marketing value and presence is larger than the cost of the store” explains Wolfram and smilingly adds “also I know of nobody that has done this previously, and in business you need to move forward all the time”.
The store is coupled with the launch of their new product “Presence”. Essentially the new product provides the customers of Switchplus a complete online presence with domain+website design+marketing, at a low subscription price. Gone are the days when you make a one-off payment and then watch as your website becomes obsolete because there is no time to maintain it. Switchplus, with the new presence product will make sure you are updated and properly maintained, ensuring that you use the full potential of your site.
Atomia applauds the bold move and wishes the very best of success to Switchplus with this venture. Stay tuned for more news and products at www.switchplus.ch.