New Release: Atomia 14.9
Today we are proud to announce the availability of a new release of our cloud hosting platform on our supported stable branch. Atomia 14.9 contains a large number of performance-related improvements, and adds native OpenStack support and enhanced VPS management features.
The largest changes and focus areas for this release were:
As mentioned, the main feature of the 14.9 release is improved performance. For example, common tasks in the admin and end-user control panels have been optimized, with speed boosts ranging anywhere from 1.2x to 4x compared to our previous release, Atomia 14.6. It is the fastest version of Atomia, ever.
More specifically we invested a large amount of time improving the performance of:
- Customer-visible control panels: There is a general performance improvement, and it is especially noticeable in the billing section of the control panel. We also significantly reduced the page load time for common tasks such as logging in, listing a customer’s websites and FTP account details. The performance of the domain manager when handling a very large number of domains has also been greatly improved.
- The admin panel: The most common views are more efficient and use fewer API calls, leading to a faster overall experience and reduced system load.
- Scheduled Tasks in Atomia Billing: The scheduled tasks system in Atomia Billing has received overall performance improvements and two of the most important tasks, the provisioning task and the renewal task, have received special attention leading to much faster task runs.
Native OpenStack support
We added a new module for integrating with OpenStack through their native API. The old EC2-compatible module is still supported, but for Openstack users the new module will give a much improved experience and additional functionality. The new module is also verified to work with the latest stable Openstack release, Icehouse.
And more…
In addition to what we have mentioned here, the 14.9 release includes numerous fixes, enhancements and additions. Complete release notes, including a full change log and a list of API changes, are available at learn.atomia.com.
As always, please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.